miércoles, 6 de diciembre de 2017

The Ruzafa district

Ruzafa neighbourhood, reconverted into a cool area of Valencia, is delimited by the old and vanished gardens which gave it its name and the future green lung of the city

According to the chroniclers, the district of Ruzafa (“Russafa”) owes its name to the recreational estate that the peaceful prince Abd Allaah al-Balansí (“the Valencian”) authorised to be built to the south of fortified Valencia. In this way, al-Balansí sought to replicate the residence that his father (the emir Abderramán I) had founded in Cordova, in memory of the orchard also raised in Syria by his predecessor.

More than a millennium would have to pass until, in 1877, the then populous and active suburb was officially integrated into the Valencian capital. Since then, many years and stories have taken place in its streets, but it was only a little over a decade ago when the affordable prices of its homes rebounded. Several generations of young people began to settle in the neighbourhood, succeeding an ageing population and ending the famous “ pound shop” and bad reputation that the area had acquired.

This push would make Ruzafa what it is now: a modern district of Valencia, which is very attractive both for its restored facades and its powerful activity.

To know Ruzafa well, we propose you go deep into its colourful market in the morning. About 5,000 square metres and 160 posts feed and entertain Ruzafa’s residents. Its high quality products are required by the new neighbourhood’s inhabitants and by the surrounding families who shop in this place. In addition, the street vendors’ stalls that move across Valencia make it even more lively every Monday.

Animated during the day

In the market you can have coffee or snack something between meals. But the summer aperitif will be more pleasing in any of the terraces that populate the neighbourhood’s epicentre: the recommended San Valero’s church square and its adjoining streets. You can even stop there to eat before or after wandering around Ruzafa.

It is worth walking through the more and less frequented streets to find shops with tradition and recently created ones that, maybe you did not expect to visit in Valencia until now. Decoration, fashion, design, art galleries, second-hand bookstores or a shop that sells honey produced in-house, are just some of the examples of the wide commercial offer that will come your way.

Alive at night

The long summer days in Valencia complement each other perfectly with Ruzafa’s nightlife. The terraces and the cultural offerings in the neighbourhood’s cafes, to which Ubik Café owes much, are ideal for a well-deserved evening’s relaxation. However, its very assorted gastronomy will help you to recover strength as it will provide you with the necessary calories to close the night dancing in one of its bars and nightclubs or listening to music at Café Mercedes Jazz.

A green lung in project

The park at Manuel Granero square is the only green space in the current Ruzafa neighbourhood. However, the Parque Central project is getting closer and closer. It will cover the North and Sorolla stations’ tracks. The call to be the new lung of Valencia, will rejuvenate Ruzafa giving it back its former natural freshness.

If after your stay you are happy to have known this neighbourhood, imagine it in the future!

martes, 21 de noviembre de 2017

La Lonja: one of Valencia’s emblematic buildings

Since the 15th century, the striking monument of La Lonja houses a trade based on the good faith of its merchants

La Lonja is one of Valencia’s emblematic buildings. Its imposing stone walls carry within it the history of a trade based on its merchants’ good faith, that even many Valencians are unaware of and that we will speak about shortly. Before, a brief note about this architectural combination, regarding an example of European Gothic art.

Declared National Historical-Artistic Monument in 1931 and World Heritage of Humanity in 1996, “La Lonja de Valencia”, also known as the “Lonja de los Mercaderes” (Merchants’ Market) or the “Lonja de la Seda” (Silk Market), consists of three sections. From Mercado square, from right to left, the Lonja as such -from the Italian “loggia”- and the “Torre central” (Central Tower) can be seen. The third element is known as the “Pabellón del Consulado”.

From its practically flat facades, the magnificent work of the stonemasons stands out. It is laden with medieval symbolism such as the anthropomorphic or zoomorphic gargoyles, or the 40 medallions on the frieze of the facades that overlook the garden, Cordellats street and Mercado square, where kings like the then reigning Charles I or their ancestors the Catholic Kings were sculpted along gods from Greek mythology.

From its interior, the “Salón de Contratación” or “Columnario” especially impresses. It is a spacious and high rectangular hall, divided into three longitudinal naves, with eight helical columns that support a 17.40 meters high vault and 16 other columns attached to the walls. The first Mercantile Contracting Center of Valencia was established in this Hall. Equivalent to the “Bourse de Commerce” in Paris or the New York Produce Exchange.

La Lonja Consulate

In the thirteenth century, with only one wooden quay, Valencia was already a center for active maritime traffic linked to commerce. Proof of this is that in 1283, King Pedro III “El Grande” granted the city the royal privilege which established the “Consulado del Mar” (the Sea Consulate), a court of commerce based on those of the Italian republics of the time which until the eighteenth century compiled and executed the mercantile and marine customs.

The inheritor of this institution is the current “Consulado de La Lonja”, whose primary objective is to coordinate the interests of the different agricultural sectors, of enormous relevance to the Valencian economy, while maintaining relations between traders, industrialists and commercial agents.

Among its highlighted services is the publication of the price of about 150 products listed in “La Lonja de Valencia”, including pig livestock, eggs, rice, cereals, leguminosae, flours, bran, carob pods, legumes, nuts, potatoes, onions and citrus fruits, and whose bulletin consists of 24 varieties.

As a contracting center, thanks to the guarantee offered by its contracts, it is also worth noting the importance of other products such as wines or green coffee and, as an exception of the agricultural sector, the philately and the numismatics of which the tourist can enjoy Sundays and holidays. But, undoubtedly, the most characteristic element of La Lonja Consulate is the use of Arbitration in Equity to resolve the possible disagreements in hiring, based on trade in good faith.

In the Hall of Contracts, the tables where negotiations would take place were changed by the new technologies a few decades ago, but guild meetings, assemblies and other events continue to be held in the Consulate Pavilion. Do not be surprised, therefore, to see these businessmen during your visit to “La Lonja”.

sábado, 4 de noviembre de 2017

The Street of the Baskets

To discover a city is to also know its traditions, at the time of taking a memento with us there is nothing better than going for autochthonous art. The Valencian Community is very rich in culture and art: ceramics, silk, gold and silversmithing and the art of wickerwork and basketry. In the heart of the city we find Músico Peydro Street, commonly known as “street of the Baskets”, since the 40s and 50s the artisans located their workshops there.

This tradition comes from the Marina Alta, villages like Gata de Gorgos and Pedreguer (Alicante), where the wickerwork and basketry craft is handmade with punch, penknife, hammer and scissors. The wicker is cultivated, selected, treated and dried; and later braided one by one to until the desired object is achieved: baskets, shoes (the typical “espardenya”) and hats also made from other vegetable fi (hemp, esparto, wicker, palm, etc).

New designers are currently adding to these traditional aesthetic ideas: like Pilar Tomás and Alicia Beltrán who use this base to let their imagination fly and off up explosions of colour in each item. We will fi various of these handmade designs in Valencia at the end of the Calle de la Cestas, in the Plaza de la Merced, in a little space dedicated to art called “Diseños de Autor”.

Text by: Marian Romero, journalist and art director.
Photos: Christopher Cognonato.
Basketry and footwear Pilar Tomás, dressed by Ángeles Esparza. Thanks to Beatriz Aspas, Court of Honor of the "Fallera Mayor" of Valencia 2017

jueves, 12 de octubre de 2017

Blasco Ibáñez in Hollywood

The Valencian Vicente Blasco produced two films, directed one, wrote a dozen original scripts and adapted two of his novels

Vicente Blasco Ibáñez’s life is a cinematographic script,an action movie. The boy who was born in the plaza del Mercado (Market Square) of Valencia, son of Aragonese emigres, opens the eyes when the 1868revolution dawns and its rattle is composed of the bullets from the federal uprising in 1869, the cantonal in 1873, and the 1874 coup d’etat. He soon became interested in literature, and more than studying, he wanted to read, read everything, but especially the Romantics, Dumas, Dickens, Poe, Hugo. And soon, to write. He made progress in his studies, but always preferred the teachers of life over those of the university. Constantí Llombart and his friends, republican writers who cultivate literature in Valencian, because they want to build a popular vehicle for the mobilisation and resurrection of the “living dead” (“morta-viva”), from Valencian, they become their greatest formative influence.

The cinema arrived for him in its twilight stage. He was already everything, hehad already done everything: he had edited and directed newspapers, written pamphlets and novels, led political parties and mass movements,founded colonies, given conferences and rallies. He said that a conversation with Gabriele D’Annunzio made him enthusiastic about the Lumière brothers’ invention. A man of action as he was, passion soon summoned his talent. Cinema, on the other hand, had already visited him: in 1914, the cinematographic version of “Entre naranjos” (Between orange trees) was released and shortly after that “La Barraca” (The hut), with the title “El tonto de la huerta” (The orchard’s fool).

During the Great War, Blasco, an allied sympathiser to the hilt, and as a good admirer of the Third French Republic, conceived the idea of overturning “Los cuatro jinetes del apocalipsis” (The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse) to the cinema. It was made with French money and was directed by André Heuzé. The tape has been lost.

He soon teamed up with Max André and, in that year of 1916, founded a film company, whose first fruit was “Sangre y arena”/“Arènes sanglantes” (Blood and sand). Directed by Blasco himself, the tape was the first of Premetheus Films, the film transcription of the Prometeo Publishing House, that Blasco, his brother-in-law Francisco Sempere and his friend Fernando Llorca, had created in 1914.

The company went bankrupt, but not Vicente Blasco’s faith in artistic media and expression. When the American film studios saw “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,”they quickly summoned his screenwriter. At that time, he states: “Cinema is as important to me as literature”. His bet is decisive.

Hollywood wanted to adapt his works. In 1919, he signed with Metro Pictures for the adaptation of “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” and in 1921 of “Los enemigos de la mujer” (The enemies of the woman). In 1922,he gives the rights of “Blood and sand” to Famous Players and then those of “La maja desnuda” (Nude Maja) to International Film.He sold his first original screenplay in 1923 to Famous Players with the title of “Andalusian Love”. That same year he signed with the Metro for the transfer of rights of “Los muertos mandan” (The dead rule); the following year he will yield the ones of “Mare Nostrum”.

Blasco is the reason why Metro-Goldwin-Mayer was incorporated, since his films produced great benefits, of which he participated, and so did his producers. The great actors and actresses, Valentino, Mae Murray, Alice Terry, Greta Garbo, embodied the roles that Blasco created.

But the biggest movie, that of his life, is still to be shot.

Text by: Francesc A. Martínez Gallego (UV) and Antoni Laguna Platero (UCLM).
HeyValencia: https://www.heyvalencia.com/vicente-blasco-ibanez-la-conquista-hollywood/?lang=en

viernes, 22 de septiembre de 2017

Is the Holy Grail in Valencia?

According to oral tradition, the most important historical relic of Christianity is in the Cathedral of Valencia. It is the Holy Chalice blessed at the Last Supper. The sacred vessel that, in the order of chivalry’s collective imagination from medieval literature, would give origin to ‘The search of the Holy Grail’

There are numerous documents that have been giving clues that the Chalice of Benediction, which Jesus used at his Eastersupper, is guarded somewhere. Not only do we refer to the literature about the search for the Holy Grail, but to the thousands of artistic images that have represented it throughout all Christendom.

So why do we say that the sacred goblet that is in the city of Valencia, in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Santa Maria, is the Holy Chalice?

Towards the 33rd year of the Christian era, one Easter night, Jesus celebrated an ancient rite in Jerusalem. The disciples who accompanied him claimed that something extraordinary had happened in that celebration.The cup of benediction contained more than wine.

The death of Jesus, a few days later, created a moment of confusion for all. However, the direct example of his words: “Do this in remembrance of me”, became the necessity to repeat the ritual of the Last Supper. It meant following his mandate.

According to oral tradition, this same cup remained in Jerusalem until Jesus’ Roman disciple, Simon Peter, took it to Rome; capital city of the Roman Empire in which he began to preach the teachings of his master and to celebrate the Easter rite in the houses of patricians and Romans. Later, the sacred vessel would pass from Pope to Pope, just as they also passed prayers and blessingsto each other.

The Roman emperors would soon look upon this new religion with suspicion. In AD 258, Valerian, an emperor declared bankrupt,ordered the persecution of Christians to death and tried to appropriate all their wealth.

Pope Sixtus II, before being arrested and martyred, asked his deacon San Lorenzo (Saint Lawrence) to distribute all that he had in his possession to Rome’s poor. San Lorenzo, of Hispanic origin, did so. He divided everything, but took pains to guard the Holy Chalice.

The sacred vessel, together with a letter where he explained everything about it, was given to a small entourage that left for Huesca, its native city in Hispania. There it remained in custody until, in the year 712, the Saracen conquest led the bishop of Huesca to seek shelter in the Pyrenees.

After stayingsafeguarded in various places in the area, finally, between the eleventh and fourteenth centuries, the Holy Chalice remained protected in the Benedictine monastery of San Juan de la Peña, located near the city of Jaca, in the Kingdom of Aragon. A neuralgic point on the Jacobean Route, where the most important European kings and nobles passed through on their way to Santiago de Compostela.

In that epoch, Christian kings fought for sacred relics in Jerusalem. And it was then, when the sacred vessel guarded in thePyrenees fortress monastery became the much sought after Holy Grail of theorder of chivalry’s collective imaginationfrom medieval literature.Beingthat there were countless noble and Christian monarchs who wanted to obtain this piece for their royal collections.

But the Holy Chalice would not pass into royal hands until 1399. After multiple requests to the prior of the monastery, the king of Aragon Martin the Human took over the sacred vessel through a swap, attesting to it a notarial document. He offered the monks a magnificent golden chalice and, in return, took the cup of benediction to Zaragoza, where it would remain, forming part of the Royal Treasury, until, in 1432, King Alfonso the Magnanimous moved his court to the city of Valencia and ended up requesting monetary aid to the council of canons from the Cathedral, to be able to cope with his contentions.

Before a notary, the monarch’s brother left in pledge all his Royal Treasury and, as the king never returned the loan, since then the Holy Chalice remains in the custody of the city of Valencia’s Cathedral.

At present, the Holy Chalice is displayed in the chapel that bears its name, on a shrine in the form of a heart, made of gold, which enhances its beauty even further.

It is a unique opportunity to see this treasure that, in medieval literature, the knights of King Arthur’s court sought with passion and heroism. A unique opportunity to contemplate the Holy Chalice of Jesus’ Last Supper in person, during the month of the year in which Valencia celebrates the Corpus Christi festivity.

Text by: Ana Mafé, Holy Grail Phd student.

Related articles:
Holy Chalice’s description
The Holy Grail Route in Castellón and Valencia

HeyValencia: https://www.heyvalencia.com/el-santo-caliz-esta-en-la-catedral-de-valencia/?lang=en

viernes, 1 de septiembre de 2017

La Barraca, Valencian typical countryside house

Did you know that the vernacular Valencian countryside house is called ‘barraca’ and is made with natural materials?

The Valencian “huerta” (vegetable garden), since ancient times, has been the environment that has characterised the surrounding landscape of the city of Valencia. As a pragmatic response to their essential needs, the agricultural workers took advantage of mud, straw and reeds provided by nature to build their homes.

These houses, called “barracas”, consist of a very simple rectangular construction, with a door on one side and a small window on the other. The ground floor is enclosed by exterior walls with a height of about 2.5 metres, composites of cob (a mixture loamy clay and straw). A roof is coupled over the top which binds a gable fixed with wood and covered by earth and wattle.

The interior is divided into two almost equal parts. Upon entering, one finds an ample corridor that serves as an entrance hall, living room, dining room and kitchen, where it was common to have a “tinajero” (two jars to store water). On the other side there are three bedrooms. All rooms are separated by partition walls and its access occurs through a curtain instead of a door. The upper part or “andana” to which ascent is via a stairway, located in the last bedroom, was destined to store crops and breed silkworms.

The shacks, usually dispersed sites across the “huerta”, were supplied with water by means of wells. The reason for their not being grouped was due to the high risk of fires to which they are exposed. Another curiosity is the white colour that the use of lime gives them. It is a substance that is also used to ward off insects.

Due to its quick, easy and economical construction this typology appeared spontaneously in a large number of countries such as Spain, Italy, Greece, France or Switzerland, always in the vicinity of rivers and wet coastal areas. Hence it is also common to find them in the Valencian Natural Park of “La Albufera” and have given name to the maritime district of Cabañal, where they sheltered the fishermen, until the twentieth century.

Source: ARAE Patrimonio y Restauración.
Facebook: @ARAEpatrimonio


lunes, 12 de junio de 2017

‘Clóchina’, the Mediterranean mussel

Did you know that “clóchina” is the term that refers to the Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis), which is cultivated in the ports of Valencia and Sagunto?

Before coming to Valencia if you already had any Valencian friend, the chances are you have heard of the “clóchinas”. And surely, not only that, your friend (or girlfriend) will also have talked about their size, their colour, of how different they are from any mussel you may have ever tasted; in short, nuances with more or less scientific rigour, but they have always relied upon much enthusiasm because, for Valencians, “clóchinas” are a delicacy! their taste, their texture... Everything!

But, what is the true origin of the “clóchinas”? What makes them so special?

At the beginning of 1900, in the port of Valencia a trough already existed dedicated to the cultivation of “clóchinas”. It was in front of the dockyards, in tune with the rest of the port activities. So much so that, as the port developed, the troughs also grew to register an optimal number. At present, 22 of these floating platforms coexist in the Valencian Community. These are concessions and all of them are found in the ports of Valencia and Sagunto.

The troughs cannot be on the high seas, they need shelter and sufficient space to guarantee a good harvest. Harvest yes, you have read well, since one of the peculiarities of the “clóchina” is that, despite being a marine mollusc, the terms used by the “clochineros” come from agriculture and not from fishing

As the Mediterranean water undergoes many temperature fluctuations during the year, it is in the epoch that the cold begins, around the months of September-October, when the seeds (teeny “clóchinas” selected for spawning) are fastened to cords and are immersed in the sea until their collection; which will last from April to September.

Everything that escapes the impositions of nature is measured: there must be a minimum of 70 centimetres between one string and another so that the seeds can obtain the necessary nutrients for their development; the troughs’ decks measure about 25 meters in length; the ideal size of the “clóchinas”, that by the conditions in which they are raised they do not grow much more, is determined by the sieve; the time they spend in the treatment plant until they are packed in sacks (meshes) is between 12 and 24 hours. And this goes on and on, to which the experience of those who cultivate them is also added, an average of 30 tonnes are harvested per season in each trough.

Characteristics and name

In relation to the taste of “clóchina”, the salinity of the water, of more than 30 percent in this part of the Mediterranean, is considered crucial compared to the fresher waters of the Ebro Delta, to put a geographically close example although it has different characteristics being an estuary.

In relation to colour and size, we can compare the “clóchinas” with Galician mussels, to give an example of constantly cold Atlantic water. While Galician mussels are larger and reddish, the “clóchina” is smaller and of a pale orange colour.

But what about the name? Why is this variety of Mediterranean mussel is called “clóchina”? According to tradition, the etymological origin of the “clóchina” is onomatopoeic. It would come from the noise they emit when are being cleaned: “Clo, clo, clo ...”. When you order some “clóchinas” in a restaurant, make two of them collide and you will see how they sound ... Because, you will not think of leaving Valencia without trying them, right? In addition to how tasty they are, we recommend you eat at least a portion of “clóchinas”, so that it is your own palate that gives you the best definition of texture.

Do not let any Valencian tell you anymore! Surprise them!

Source: Juan Aragonés Just, president of the Association of “Clochineros” of Valencia and Sagunto Ports.

jueves, 1 de junio de 2017

The procession of Corpus Christi in Valencia

Religion and Culture
The procession of Corpus Christi, which celebrates and pays homage to the sacrament of the Eucharist, is the oldest procession in Valencia and, for many Valencians, the city’s most important

The Corpus Christi procession in Valencia goes back to 1355, but what makes it singular is that the original features of this celebration have been maintained ever since, for more than six and a half centuries.

One of its main characteristics, which makes it unique in the world, is that scenes of the Bible are represented in it, with extras that give life to about 300 characters of Christianity’s holy book, converting this procession into an urban and very visual Mediterranean biblical catechesis.

And the curious thing about this data is that, although the celebration is the sacrament of the Eucharist, an institution that the Catholic Church affixes to the Last Supper, the characters belong to the Old Testament: the first part of the Bible, in which events prior to the birth of Jesus are narrated.

According to tradition, this would be because, in this way, the political authorities sought to please the Valencian Jewish community, the financier in numerous occasions of much of the municipality’s coffers as with the very procession itself. Because this celebration has always been municipal: organised and sponsored by the Valencian Council. A city in which, after the constitution of the new Christian kingdom of Valencia founded by Jaime I in the thirteenth century, Christians, Jews and Muslims coexisted, not without difficulty, until the end of the fifteenth century.

Valencian origin of the fiesta

Although, as Valencia finds itself recovering from the reconquest, this festivity does not begin to be celebrated in the city of Valencia until the middle of the fourteenth century, the Corpus Christi festivity had already been instituted by Pope Urban IV in 1264.

What not even many Valencians know is that in the establishment of this festival influenced, in part, a miracle that occured in the Valencian town of Llutxent, about 15 kilometers away from Xàtiva.

According to the tradition, in 1239, Jaime I’s troops were finishing the conquest of the Moorish kingdom. They were forced to interrupt their mass celebration to confront a surprise attack. Upon victory they were amazed to discover that the consecrated forms for the communion were bloody.

This event, considered a Eucharistic miracle, came to Pope Urban IV who, impressed by this and another miracle in Orvieto (Italy), would decide from Rome to establish the celebration of Corpus Christi for the Universal Catholic Church.

From religious to secular theatre

The Valencia’s Corpus Christi procession, of marked religious character, cannot be understood without linking it to cultural facts.
The Corpus Christi festivity is traditionally celebrated on the Thursday following the 60th day after Easter Sunday. At present, in order not to coincide with the work calendar, the acts of this feast are held on the Sunday succeeding that Thursday, happening to be known by the “Corpus Christi Sunday”, which falls on June 18 this year 2017.

The “rocas” (carriages or carts, that the visitor will see passing before the procession) were mobile scenarios in which the religious scenes were represented. According to the French Hispanist Henri de Mérimée, a scholar of Valencian dramatic art, in Valencia the lay theatre descends from the Corpus Christi theatre. In short, when moving from the temples to the street, the theatre that was done inside the churches was incorporated into the Corpus Christi procession until becoming independent and a civil theatre.

In the Corpus Christi procession in Valencia, besides the parade of the “rocas” and the biblical characters, the tourist can also enjoy other features such as the dances. Among those we emphasise the one of the giants and big-heads or that of “La Moma y els Momos” where the Virtue or Moma (woman interpreted by a man) triumphs over the seven deadly sins (pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, anger and laziness).

Source: Baltasar Bueno Tárrega, journalist and writer.

Origin: https://www.heyvalencia.com/la-processione-del-corpus-christi-di-valencia-e-unica-al-mondo/?lang=en

The description of the Holy Chalice

In the late 1950s, the Archbishop of Valencia’s Cathedral commissioned Antonio Beltrán, Professor of Archeology at the University of Zaragoza, to doresearch work on the Holy Chalice. His main conclusions are recognized in a publication which can be acquired at the Cathedral’s Museum.

In the report, it is noted that the chalice is composed of three parts:

  1. A vessel of semi-precious agate stone on top, dating from the fourth century BC. and I D.C.

  2. A central part carved in gold, made in medieval times.

  3. And a base, at the bottom, realized around the 10th century by an oriental workshop, also set in gold and precious stones.

The goblet that, according to tradition, was blessed by Jesus, corresponds only to the upper part; a fine cup of agate stone about 3mm thick. Therest are parts that were subsequently added.

Text by: Ana Mafé, Holy Grail Phd student.

Related articles:
Is the Holy Grail in the Cathedral of Valencia?


viernes, 5 de mayo de 2017

Teatro social en el interior de las casas. Festival Cabanyal Íntim.

[:es][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_column_text]Festival Cabanyal Íntim
No pierda la oportunidad de asistir al teatro en espacios no convencionales como el salón de una casa del pintoresco barrio del Cabanyal

El Festival Cabanyal Íntim es un proyecto social y cultural que lleva las artes escénicas de vanguardia al interior de las casas del barrio valenciano del Cabanyal. Bajo el lema Migraciones, celebrará su séptima edición del 18 al 28 de mayo.

El barrio del Cabanyal, al pie de la playa de la Malvarrosa, se convierte durante dos semanas en un evento de paso obligatorio para cualquier turista que busque algo diferente. La fusión perfecta entre el arte y el particularísimo atractivo turístico del barrio, que debe su nombre a las casas de pescadores que poblaban la zona y en la que todavía podemos encontrar numerosos ejemplos de arquitectura modernista.

Las casas se transforman en escenarios improvisados que serán ocupados por un centenar de artistas valencianos, españoles y residentes en el extranjero.

El barrio se convierte en una ventana abierta al mundo. Actividades, conciertos y sobre todo un ambiente que hace que el Cabanyal y sus gentes abran sus puertas de par en par al visitante.

Piezas cortas de 30 minutos en espacios reducidos, y piezas de larga duración en espacios no convencionales. La tragedia de los refugiados, las migraciones involuntarias de la población por cuestiones laborales, políticas, religiosas.

El público asistirá en el salón de una casa y a dos palmos de los actores a historias contadas en primera persona. Una oportunidad única para darse un paseo por este pintoresco barrio al tiempo que disfrutará de un teatro fresco y comprometido.

http://cabanyalintim.com/[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][:en][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_column_text]Cabanyal Intim Festival
Do not miss the opportunity to attend theater in unconventional spaces such as the living room of a house in Cabanyal’s picturesque neighbourhood

The Cabanyal Íntim Festival is a social and cultural project that takes the avant-garde performing arts inside the houses of the Valencian district of Cabanyal. Under the motto “Migraciones” (migrations), it will hold its seventh edition from 18th to 28th May.

For two weeks, the district of Cabanyal at the foot of the Malvarrosa beach, becomes a mandatory event for any tourist looking for something different. It is the perfect fusion between art and the neighbourhood’s very particular tourist attraction, which owes its name to the fishing houses that populated the area and where we can still find numerous examples of modernist architecture.

Houses are transformed into improvised stages that will be occupied by a hundred Valencian artists, Spaniards and residents abroad.

The neighbourhood becomes an open window to the world. Activities, concerts and above all it is an environment that makes Cabanyal and its people open their doors wide to visitors.

Short plays of 30 minutes in confined spaces, and long duration works in unconventional spaces. The tragedy of the refugees, the involuntary population migrations due to labour, political and religious issues.

The audience will go to the living room in a house and an arm’s length away from the actors for stories told in first person. It is a unique opportunity to take a stroll through this picturesque neighbourhood while enjoying a fresh and committed theater.

http://cabanyalintim.com/[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][:it][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_column_text]Festival Cabanyal Íntim
Non lasciarti sfuggire l’opportunità di assistere a spettacoli teatrali in spazi non convenzionali come i soggiorni delle case del pittoresco quartiere del Cabanyal

Il Festival Cabanyal Íntim è un progetto sociale e culturale che trasferisce le arti sceniche di avanguardia all’interno delle case del quartiere valenciano del Cabanyal. Attorno al tema “Migraciones” (Migrazioni), l’evento celebra la sua settima edizione dal 18 al 28 maggio.

Durante due settimane, il quartiere del Cabanyal, situato nei pressi della spiaggia della Malvarrosa, si trasforma in un evento imperdibile per qualsiasi turista alla ricerca di qualcosa di diverso. La fusione perfetta tra l’arte e il particolare e attraente quartiere valenciano che deve il nome alle case dei pescatori che abitavano nella zona, in cui possiamo ammirare tuttora numerosi esempi dell’archittettura modernista.

Trasformandosi in scenari improvvisati, le case ospitano un centinaio tra artisti valenciani, spagnoli e di altri paesi. In poche parole, il quartiere diventa una finestra aperta al mondo. Attività, concerti e, soprattutto, l’atmosfera particolare del Cabanyal e dei suoi abitanti che aprono le proprie porte ai visitatori.

Opere teatrali brevi (30 minuti) in spazi ridotti e pièce più lunghe in spazi non convenzionali. La tragedia dei rifugiati, le migrazioni involontarie dei popoli per ragioni lavorative, politiche e religiose.

A pochi passi dagli attori, il pubblico può assistere nei soggiorni delle case a storie narrate in prima persona. Un’opportunità unica per visitare questo pittoresco quartiere e ammirare spettacoli teatrali originali e impegnati.


miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2017

Valencia, Ciudad de la Seda

[:es][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_column_text]Conoce el legado histórico que dejó en Valencia la industria más importante de entre los siglos XIV y XVIII: el comercio de la seda.

Itinerario: Visitaremos los interiores de la Lonja de la Seda, edificio gótico patrimonio de la Humanidad desde 1996. También el recién restaurado Colegio del Arte Mayor de la Seda, hoy convertido en Museo de la Seda. Conoceremos el barrio de Velluters, donde se concentraba el trabajo del gremio de sederos valencianos. Una tienda de indumentaria tradicional valenciana (Albaes) completará el recorrido para conocer la ruta valenciana de la seda.

Idioma del tour: Bilingüe (castellano-inglés) Punto de Salida: Oficina de Turismo del Ayuntamiento. (Pl. Ayuntamiento s/n)

Horario: Sábados, a las 11.00 h.

Duración: 2 horas.

Precio: Adultos: 20€ / Niños (7-16 años): 10€ / Niños hasta 6 años gratis.

Fuente/Texto de: Fundación Turismo Valencia.


Artículo relacionado: Seis siglos produciendo seda en Valencia. La historia de la Ruta de la Seda.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_gallery images="1179,1185,1178" pfgrid="grid3"][/vc_column][/vc_row][:en][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_column_text]Discover the historical legacy left in Valencia by the most important industry between the 14th and 18th centuries: the silk trade

Itinerary: A visit to the interior of the Silk Exchange (Lonja de la Seda), a Gothic building that has been a World Heritage Site since 1996. We will also see the recently restored Higher Art College of Silk, which is now the Silk Museum. A tour around the Velluters district, where most of the Valencian silk workers guilds were based. A Valencian costume shop “Albaes” will complete this tour discovering the Valencian silk route.

Tour Language: Bilingual (Spanish-English). Departure Point: Tourist Info City Hall. (Pl. Ayuntamiento s/n)

Times: Saturday, 11am.

Duration: 2 hours.

Price: Adults: 20€ / Children (from 7 to 16): 10€ / Free for children up to the age of 6.

Source/Written by: Fundación Turismo Valencia.


Related article: Six centuries producing silk in Valencia. The history of the Silk Road

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_gallery images="1179,1178,1185" pfgrid="grid3"][/vc_column][/vc_row][:it][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_column_text]Vieni a conoscere il retaggio storico lasciato a Valencia dall’industria più importante a caballo fra il XIV e il XVIII secolo: il commercio della seta.

Itinerario: Visiteremo l’interno della Lonja della Seda (Mercato della Seta), un edificio gotico che dal 1996 è patrimonio dell’Umanità. Visiteremo anche l’interno del recentemente ristrutturato Colegio del Arte Mayor de la Seda, oggi trasformato in Museo della Seta. Conosceremo il quartiere dei Velluters, dove si concentrava il lavoro delle associazioni dei produttori di seta di Valencia. I negozi di indumenti tradizionali valenzani (Albaes) completeranno il percorso del cammino della seta di Valencia.

Lingua del tour: Bilingue (spagnolo-inglese). Punto di Partenza: Tourist Info del Municipio. (Pl. Ayuntamiento s/n)

Orario: Sabato, alle 11.00.

Durata: 2 ore.

Prezzo: Adulto: 20€ / Bambini (dai 7 ai 16 anni): 10€ / Bambini fino a 6 anni gratis.

Fonte/Testo di: Fundación Turismo Valencia.


Articolo correlato: Sei secoli di produzione della seta a Valencia. La storia della Via della Seta.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_gallery images="1179,1178,1185" pfgrid="grid3"][/vc_column][/vc_row][:]

Seis siglos produciendo seda en Valencia

[:es][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_column_text]La Ruta de la Seda
La industria de la seda se consolidó en Valencia durante el siglo XV, desde entonces los artesanos de la ciudad y sus tejidos son un referente mundial

La Ruta de la Seda se inició desde Oriente hacia Occidente en el siglo II a.C., pero no sería hasta el s. VI cuando el emperador bizantino Justiniano consolidaría una industria sedera propia en Constantinopla, después de que dos monjes le hicieran llegar, escondidos en sus bastones, huevos de mariposa y hojas de morera, desvelando así el tan guardado secreto de la producción de seda.

Más tarde, a finales del primer milenio, Al-Andalus se convertiría en la primera región del continente europeo donde la cría del gusano de seda sería masiva. En aquella época se sabe que ya existían artesanos de la seda con talleres privados en Valencia.

Más de 600 años dedicados a la seda

La expansión del cultivo de la morera en el s. XIV, tras la caída del precio de los cereales y el aumento de la demanda de seda, transformó el paisaje agrario del antiguo Reino de Valencia, creado tras la conquista cristiana. Pero fue la llegada de cientos de sederos genoveses a Valencia la que introdujo el arte de tejer “velluto” o terciopelo de seda, el que llevaría a la industria sedera a alcanzar una larga época de esplendor.

Un mapa de Valencia del s. XV, expuesto en el Museo del Colegio del Arte Mayor de la Seda, muestra dos barrios dedicados directamente a la producción del “vellut” (en valenciano) y de la seda en general. A finales del 1400, existían más de 2.000 artesanos “velluters” en la ciudad.

La fuerza de esta industria, que llevó a que a La Lonja se le apellidara “de la Seda”, se consolidaría hasta el s. XIX, gracias a la adaptación, no sin dificultades, a los gustos provenientes de la moda francesa que, en el s. XVII, comenzó a mirar hacia Lyon. La misma localidad francesa donde, un siglo después, el ingeniero mecánico Jacquard crearía un revolucionario sistema para tejer, que continúa estando vigente en nuestros días.

Finalmente, la revolución industrial y otros factores como la epidemia de pebrina, que asoló las plantaciones de morera a finales del s. XIX, llevó a que Valencia impulsara otros sectores económicos como el de los cítricos. Sin embargo, la producción de seda en Valencia permanece viva. El Espolín, tejido con hilos de seda de más de un color, al contrario del de Damasco, es uno de los tesoros que todavía conservan los valencianos en sus trajes regionales. Sin, por ello, haber dejado de producir Damasco, más ecónómico pero también bonito, ni terciopelo de seda, como el que realiza el único “velluter” que, por ahora, mantiene la tradición en Valencia: Vicente Enguídanos.


Descubre la Ruta del comercio de la seda que puedes hacer en Valencia en:  http://www.heyvalencia.com/valencia-the-silk-city/

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_images_carousel images="1186,1182,1183,1188,1181,1180,1184" img_size="grid1"][/vc_column][/vc_row][:en][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Silk Road
The silk industry consolidated in Valencia during the 15th century, since then the city’s craftsmen and its fabrics are a world reference

The Silk Road began from the East to the West in the second century BC, but it would not be until the VI century when the Byzantine Emperor Justinian would consolidate his own silk industry in Constantinople, after two monks delivered him, hidden in their sticks, butterfly eggs and mulberry leaves, thus revealing the much-guarded secrecy of silk production.

Much later, at the end of the first millennium, Al-Andalus would become the first region of the European continent where silk worm breeding would be massive. At that time, it was known that there already were silk craftsmen with private workshops in Valencia.

More than 600 years dedicated to silk

The expansion of mulberry cultivation in the XIV century, after the fall of the cereals’ prices and the increase of the demand for silk, transformed the agricultural landscape of the old Kingdom of Valencia, created after the Christian conquest.

But it was the arrival of hundreds of Genoese silk dealers to Valencia what introduced the art of weaving “velluto” or silk velvet, the one that would lead the silk industry to reach a long period of splendor.

A map of Valencia from the XV century, exhibited in the “Museo del Colegio del Arte Mayor de la Seda” (Museum of the College of the Greater Art of the Silk), shows two neighbourhoods directly dedicated to the production of “vellut” (silk velvet, in Valencian) and silk in general. At the end of the 1400, there were more than 2,000 “velluters” artisans in the city.

The strength of this industry, which led to “La Lonja” being nicknamed “de la Seda”, would be consolidated until the XIX century, thanks to the adaptation, not without difficulties, to the tastes of the French fashion which began to look towards Lyon in the XVII century. The same French town where, a century later, the mechanical engineer Jacquard would create a revolutionary system for weaving, which continues to be in force these days.

Finally, the industrial revolution and other factors such as the pebrine epidemic, which devastated the mulberry plantations in the late XIX century, led Valencia to boost other economic sectors such as citrus. However, silk production in Valencia remains alive. The “Espolín”, woven with silk threads of more than one colour, in contrast to Damascus, is one of the treasures that is still preserved by the Valencians in their regional costumes. Without, therefore, having stopped producing Damascus, more economical but also pretty, nor silk velvet, like the one that makes the only “velluter” that, for now, maintains the tradition in Valencia: Vicente Enguídanos.


Discover the Silk Road you can do in Valencia in:  http://www.heyvalencia.com/en/valencia-the-silk-city/

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_images_carousel images="1186,1182,1183,1188,1181,1180,1184" img_size="grid1"][/vc_column][/vc_row][:it][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_column_text]La Via della Seta
L’industria della seta si è consolidata a Valencia nel XV secolo e, da allora, gli artigiani della città e i loro tessuti rappresentano un punto di riferimento mondiale

Sebbene la Via della Seta sia stata avviata da Oriente a Occidente nel II secolo a.C., è nel VI secolo che l’imperatore bizantino Giustiniano creò un’industria della seta vera e propria a Costantinopoli, dopo che due monaci gli fecero giungere, nascoste nei propri bastoni, delle uova di baco da seta e delle foglie di gelso, svelando in tal modo il prezioso segreto della produzione della seta.

Più tardi, alla fine del primo millennio, al-Andalus diventò la prima regione del continente europeo in cui l’allevamento del baco da seta si diffuse in maniera massiccia. In quell’epoca sappiamo che a Valencia esistevano già artigiani della seta con laboratori propri.

Più di 600 anni dedicati alla seta

L’espansione della coltivazione del gelso nel XIV secolo, in seguito al crollo del prezzo dei cereali e all’aumento della domanda della seta, trasformò il paesaggio agrario dell’antico Regno di Valencia, formatosi dopo la conquista cristiana. Ma fu l’arrivo in città di centinaia di sericoltori genovesi a introdurre l’arte della tessitura del velluto di seta, consentendo all’industria della seta di entrare in una lunga epoca di splendore.

Una mappa di Valencia del XV secolo, esposta nel Museo del Colegio del Arte Mayor de la Seda, mostra due quartieri dedicati alla produzione del “vellut” (“velluto” in valenciano) e della seta in generale. Alla fine del 1400, la città disponeva di oltre 2.000 artigiani “velluters”.

La forza di questa industria, in virtù della quale la Lonja venne chiamata “de la Seda”, si consolidò fino al XIX secolo, grazie all’adattamento, non senza difficoltà, ai gusti provenienti dalla moda francese che, nel XVII secolo, iniziò a volgere gli sguardi verso Lione. In questa stessa città francese, un secolo dopo, l’ingegnere meccanico Jacquard creò un sistema rivoluzionario per la tessitura, in uso fino ai giorni nostri.

Infine, la rivoluzione industriale e altri fattori come l’epidemia della pebrina, che distrusse le piantagioni di gelso alla fine del XIX secolo, spinse la città a investire in altri settori economici come quello degli agrumi. Ciononostante, la produzione della seta è ancora presente a Valencia. “Espolín”, tessuto con fili di seta di più colori, a differenza del tessuto di Damasco, è uno dei tesori che i valenciani conservano ancora nei propri costumi tradizionali. Allo stesso tempo, i valenciani continuano a produrre anche il Damasco, tessuto più economico ma altrettanto attraente, e il velluto di seta, come quello creato dall’unico “velluter” che mantiene viva la tradizione a Valencia: Vicente Enguídanos.


Scopri il percorso do commercio della seta si può fare a Valencia: http://www.heyvalencia.com/it/valencia-the-silk-city/


[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_images_carousel images="1188,1186,1184,1183,1182,1181,1180"][/vc_column][/vc_row][:]

martes, 2 de mayo de 2017

Los Borja, una familia valenciana universal

[:es][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_column_text]La Ruta de los Borja
La Ruta de los Borja es una experiencia única que recorre el esplendor de la familia valenciana más poderosa de Europa en los siglos XV y XVI

La familia Borja ha dejado una profunda huella en la historia universal. Desde sus orígenes valencianos, los Borja tuvieron una decisiva intervención en todas las esferas del poder, tanto político como religioso y llegaron a ser nobles, príncipes, mecenas, consejeros de reyes, papas y santos. Un linaje poderoso envuelto de ambición, intrigas, leyendas y misterio.

Calixto, Alejandro, César, Lucrecia, Francisco... Una familia que contribuyó a generar una gran leyenda y el conocido universalmente como mito de ‘Los Borgia’. Su tiempo es el Renacimiento, el del gran arte y la nueva cultura humanista, es la era de los descubrimientos. Los Borja se avanzaron a la modernidad, moderna era su idea del poder y la manera de ejercerlo. Con ellos entró en Valencia el arte renacentista y un impresionante patrimonio histórico, cultural y artístico que permanecen todavía hoy en día vivos en una apasionante ruta de bellas artes con más de 600 años de historia.

La Ruta de los Borja

La Ruta de los Borja es una experiencia única que recorre el esplendor de la familia valenciana más universal y poderosa de Europa en los siglos XV y XVI. Recorrer su camino es pasear por un emocionante espectáculo de arte, paisaje, historia y cultura.

En la ciudad de Valencia, la ruta de los Borja se muestra exuberante en la iglesia de San Nicolás con suntuosas pinturas conocidas ya como la Capilla Sixtina valenciana. En la Catedral, los Papa Borja construyeron la majestuosa capilla de San Pedro y encargaron los exquisitos frescos renacentistas de los ángeles músicos, admirados en toda Europa. En la capilla dedicada a San Francisco de Borja se pueden admirar dos excelentes lienzos de Goya. La huella viva de los Borja pasa también por el Palacio de les Corts Valencianes, residencia de la familia y por la Universidad.

Xàtiva y Canals son la cuna de los Borja. En Canals, se conserva la Torre de los Borja, lugar donde nació en 1378 el Papa Calixto III. Justo enfrente se sitúa el Oratorio que formaba parte del conjunto palaciego. En Xàtiva se conserva en una bella plaza la casa natalicia de Rodrigo de Borja. El patrimonio artístico se exhibe también en la Colegiata, las iglesias de San Francisco y de San Pedro, donde fue bautizado Alejandro VI, el Museo de Bellas Artes, el Palau, el convento de Santa Clara, la ermita de Santa Ana y el inexpugnable castillo, testimonio y mirador imponente de la historia.

En Gandia, a orillas del mar Mediterráneo, el Palacio Ducal es un admirable complejo de arquitectura y el monumento borgiano más distinguido. Aquí nacieron la mayoría de los Duques Borja y sus descendientes, entre ellos San Francisco de Borja en 1510. Destaca el Salón de Coronas, el Oratorio del Santo y la Galería Dorada que hipnotiza con su belleza al visitante. En Gandia la marca de los Borja se impone en la Colegiata, el convento de Santa Clara o la Universidad.

Esta apasionante ruta pasa también por Albaida, donde se estableció el sobrino de Luis Juan de Milá y Borja, que empezó a levantar un palacio fortificado que se alza orgulloso en el centro de la villa. Otro destacado es el palacio de los Sanz, situado en el pueblo de Vallés. La ruta combina monumentos, patrimonio, rica gastronomía y bellos paisajes como el entorno de Castelló de Rugat donde se conservan los restos del Palacio Ducal.

Llombai fue una baronía adquirida por el cardenal Rodrigo de Borja para su hijo Pedro Luis. Aquí se puede contemplar la Iglesia de la Santa Cruz, integrada en el convento de los dominicos. Llombai celebra una recreación histórica conocida como el Mercado de los Borja que recibe centenares de visitantes.

La ruta de los Borja nos lleva también a dos monasterios, auténticas catedrales rurales del arte y del recogimiento como son el de San Jerónimo de Cotalba en Alfauir y el de Santa Maria de Simat de la Valldigna.

Fuente/Texto de: Agència Valenciana del Turisme.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_gallery images="1175,1176,1173,1172"][/vc_column][/vc_row][:en][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Route of the Borja
The Route of the Borja is a unique experience that traverses the splendor of the most universal Valencian family of Europe in the XV and XVI centuries

The Borja family (The Borgias) has left a deep mark on universal history. Since their Valencian origins, the Borja had a decisive intervention in all spheres of power, both political and religious, and became nobles, princes, patrons, advisors to kings, popes, and saints. A powerful lineage wrapped with ambition, intrigue, legends and mystery.

Calixto, Alejandro, César, Lucrecia, Francisco... A family that contributed to generate a great legend and the universally known as the myth of “Los Borgia”. Its time is the Renaissance, that of great art and the new humanistic culture, it is the era of discoveries. The Borja advanced to modernity, modern was their idea of power and the manner of exercising it. With them Renaissance art and an impressive historical, cultural and artistic heritage came into Valencia, which still lives today in an exciting route of fine arts with more than 600 years of history.

The Route of the Borja

The Route of the Borja is a unique experience that traverses the splendor of the most universal and powerful Valencian family of Europe in the XV and XVI centuries. To traverse its path is to stroll through an exciting show of art, landscape, history and culture.

In the city of Valencia, the route of the Borja reveals its exuberance in San Nicolás church, with sumptuous paintings already known like the Valencian Sistine Chapel. In the Cathedral, the Borja Popes built the majestic chapel of San Pedro and ordered the exquisite Renaissance frescoes of the angel musicians, admired throughout Europe. In the chapel dedicated to San Francisco de Borja you can admire two excellent canvases by Goya. The living trace of the Borja also passes by the family residence, Palace of Corts Valencianes and by the University.

Xàtiva and Canals are the cradle of the Borja. In Canals, the Tower of the Borja, the place where Pope Calixto III was born in 1378 is conserved. Situated just opposite is the Oratory that formed part of the palace complex. In Xàtiva, the birthplace of Rodrigo de Borja is conserved in a beautiful square. The artistic heritage is also exhibited in the Collegiate Church, the churches of San Francisco and San Pedro, where Alexander VI was baptized, the Museum of Fine Arts, the Palau, Santa Clara convent, Santa Ana hermitage and the impregnable castle, an imposing vantage point and testimony of history.

In Gandia, on the Mediterranean Sea shores, the Ducal Palace is an admirable architectural complex and the most distinguished Borgiano monument.The majority of the Borja Dukes and their descendants were born here, among them San Francisco de Borja in 1510. The Salon de Coronas (Crowns Hall) and the Saint’s Oratory stand out while the Gold Gallery hypnotizes the visitor with its beauty. In Gandia the mark of the Borja imposes itself in the Collegiate church, the Santa Clara convent and the University.

This fascinating route also passes through Albaida, where Luis Juan de Milá and Borja’s nephew took up residence and began to raise a fortified palace that rises proudly in the town center. Another highlight is the Sanz palace, located in the village of Vallés. The route combines monuments, heritage, rich gastronomy and beautiful landscapes, such as the surroundings of Castelló de Rugat where the Ducal Palaceremnants are preserved.

Llombai was a barony acquired by Cardinal Rodrigo de Borja for his son Pedro Luis. Here, one can contemplate la Iglesia de la Santa Cruz (the Church of the Holy Cross),integrated in the convent of the Dominicans. Llombai celebrates a historic recreation known as “Mercado de los Borja” (Borja’s Market) which receives hundreds of visitors.

The Borja route also leads us to two monasteries, authentic rural cathedrals of art and seclusion, such as San Jerónimo de Cotalba in Alfauir and Santa Maria de Simat de la Valldigna.

Source/Written by: Agència Valenciana del Turisme.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_gallery images="1175,1176,1172,1173"][/vc_column][/vc_row][:it][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_column_text]La Via dei Borgia
La Via dei Borgia è un’esperienza unica che ripercorre lo splendore della famiglia valenciana più potente d’Europa nel XV e nel XVI secolo

La famiglia Borgia ha lasciato un’impronta indelebile nella storia universale. Sin dalle origini valenciane, i Borgia hanno esercitato un’influenza decisiva in tutte le sfere del potere, sia politico che religioso, distinguendosi come nobili, principi, mecenati, consiglieri di re, papi e santi. Una stirpe potente e avvolta nell’ambizione, nell’intrigo, nella leggenda e nel mistero.

Callisto, Alessandro, Cesare, Lucrezia, Francesco... Una famiglia che contribuì a creare una grande leggenda e il mito dei Borgia, famoso in tutto il mondo. Il periodo dei Borgia è il Rinascimento, l’era dell’arte, della nuova cultura umanistica e delle scoperte. I Borgia avevano un’idea del potere e del modo in cui esercitarlo realmente moderna. La famiglia introdusse a Valencia l’arte rinascimentale e un impressionante patrimonio storico, culturale e artistico, ancora presenti in un appassionante percorso delle belle arti con oltre 600 anni di storia.

La Via dei Borgia

La Via dei Borgia è un’esperienza unica che ripercorre lo splendore della famiglia valenciana più universale e potente d’Europa nel XV e nel XVI secolo. Seguire il suo percorso equivale ad assistere a un emozionante spettacolo all’insegna dell’arte, del paesaggio, della storia e della cultura.

Nella città di Valencia, la Via dei Borgia si presenta in tutta la sua esuberanza nella chiesa di San Nicolás, i cui sontuosi affreschi formano quella che è stata ribattezzata la Cappella Sistina valenciana. Nella Cattedrale, i Papi Borgia fecero costruire la maestosa cappella di San Pedro e incaricarono l’esecuzione degli squisiti affreschi rinascimentali degli angeli musicanti, ammirati in tutta Europa. Nella cappella dedicata a San Francesco Borgia si possono ammirare due eccellenti tele di Goya. Le orme dei Borgia percorrono anche il Palacio de les Corts Valencianes, residenza della famiglia, e l’Università.

Xàtiva e Canals rappresentano la culla dei Borgia. A Canals è possibile ammirare la Torre de los Borja, luogo in cui nacque Papa Callisto III nel 1378. Di fronte alla Torre troviamo l’Oratorio, che fa parte del complesso del palazzo. In un’attraente piazza di Xàtiva si conserva la casa in cui è nato Rodrigo Borgia. Il patrimonio artistico prosegue nella Collegiata, nelle chiese di San Francisco e di San Pedro, dove fu battezzato Alessandro VI, nel Museo delle Belle Arti, nel Palau, nel convento di Santa Clara, nell’eremo di Santa Ana e nell’inespugnabile castello, testimone e belvedere imponente della storia.

A Gandia, ai bordi del Mediterraneo, il Palacio Ducal è un ammirevole complesso architettonico e il monumento dei Borgia più raffinato. Qui è nata la maggior parte dei duchi Borgia e dei rispettivi discendenti, tra cui San Francesco Borgia nel 1510. Da segnalare il Salón de Coronas, l’Oratorio del Santo e la Galería Dorada, che ipnotizza i visitatori con la sua bellezza. A Gandia, l’eredità dei Borgia è evidente nella Collegiata, nel convento di Santa Clara e nell’Università.

Questo appassionante percorso passa anche per Albaida, luogo in cui si stabilì il nipote di Luis Juan de Milá y Borja, che iniziò la costruzione di un palazzo fortificato che s’innalza imponente nel centro della villa. Un altro edificio da citare è il palazzo dei Sanz, situato nel paesino di Vallès. La Via dei Borgia offre monumenti, patrimonio, ricca gastronomia e fantastici paesaggi, come ad esempio a Castelló de Rugat, dove si conservano i resti del Palacio Ducal.

Llombai è stata una baronia acquisita dal cardinale Rodrigo Borgia per suo figlio Pedro Luis. In questo paese si può ammirare l’Iglesia de la Santa Cruz, integrata nel convento domenicano. A Llombai si celebra una ricreazione storica nota come il Mercato dei Borgia, che riceve centinaia di visitatori.

La Via dei Borgia ci offre anche due monasteri, autentiche cattedrali rurali dell’arte e del raccoglimento, San Jerónimo de Cotalba ad Alfauir e Santa Maria de Simat nella Valldigna.

Fonte/Testo di: Agència Valenciana del Turisme.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_gallery images="1175,1176,1173,1172"][/vc_column][/vc_row][:]

La Vela Latina repuebla La Albufera de Valencia

[:es][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_column_text]La Vela Latina. Bien de Interés Cultural

Los miembros de la “Asociació de La Vela Llatina de Silla” comienzan temprano. Hacia las ocho y media preparan sus barcas de madera para, unas horas más tarde, participar en las exhibiciones que de marzo a octubre, hasta en 20 ocasiones, realizan para disfrute de los observadores.

No tienen ánimo de lucro. Fue la voluntad de recuperar esta tradición la que, a finales de los años 80, les llevó a unirse en torno a la embarcación musulmana que, antaño, en esta zona de navegación del Mediterráneo, pasaría a llamarse “Vela Latina” por la vela triangular sostenida por transversal con antena al árbol, que permite navegar hasta 30% de la proa al viento.

En las pruebas no participan solos. Las asociaciones de Catarroja, El Palmar, Alfafar y Sollana también se unen para este fin. Los nombres de todas ellas proceden de localidades bañadas por La Albufera, el lago que da nombre al Parque Natural situado a ocho kilómetros al sur del centro de la ciudad de Valencia y dentro de su mismo término municipal. Un ecosistema de gran valor formado por el lago (actualmente de agua dulce), los arrozales que lo rodean, el bosque de la Devesa y las playas de ambientes dunares que, en su conjunto, cualquier turista no debería perderse.

Contemplar de cerca estas barcas que, durante siglos, han servido para el transporte de personas y mercancías, para la pesca y para la limpieza de La Albufera, ya es un placer. Ver volar sobre las aguas hasta una treintena de ellas, ¡la serenidad!

Lugar: Puerto de Silla
Facebook: @VelaSilla[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_gallery images="1242,1243,1244,1245,1246,1247,1248,1241"][/vc_column][/vc_row][:en][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_column_text]Heritage of Cultural Interest

The members of the “Asociació de La Vela Latina de Silla” (the Sillan Lateen Sail Association) commence early. At about half past eight they prepare their wooden boats to participate, some hours later, in one of the displays of up to twenty opportunities that take place from March to October, for the enjoyment of observers.

They are not profit oriented. It was the desire to recover this tradition, at the end of the 80s,that led them to unite around the Muslim vessel, which once, in this Mediterranean zone of navigation, would be called “Vela Latina”. The name originates from the triangular sail held in transverse with the antenna to the mast, which allows sailing up to 30% of the prow into the wind.

They do not participate alone in the demonstrations. The associations from Catarroja, El Palmar, Alfafar and Sollana also come together for this purpose. All of their names come from localities bathed by La Albufera, the lake the National Park has been named after. It is located eight kilometres due the south of the city centre of Valencia and within the same municipal area. An ecosystem of great value, formed by the lake (actually of fresh water), the rice paddies that surround it, the forest of Devesa and the beaches of dune environments that, as a whole, any tourist should not miss.

To look closely at these boats which, for centuries, have served to transport people and goods, for fishing and for cleaning the Albufera, it is already a pleasure. To see up to thirty of them flying on the waters. What serenity!

Location: Silla Port
Facebook: @VelaSilla[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_gallery images="1162,1161,1160,1159"][/vc_column][/vc_row][:it][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_column_text]Bene di Interesse Culturale

Isoci della “Asociació de La Vela Llatina de Silla” iniziano a navigare presto. Verso le otto e mezzo, preparano le loro barche di legno per partecipare, alcune ore dopo, alle esibizioni che, da marzo a ottobre, fino a 20 appuntamenti, realizzano per il piacere dei visitatori.

Non hanno alcun fine di lucro. È stata la voglia di recuperare questa tradizione che, alla fine degli anni ‘80, li ha spinti a unirsi attorno a questa imbarcazione musulmana che, in passato, in questa zona di navigazione del Mediterraneo, prese il nome di “Vela Latina”, per via della vela triangolare che si sostiene in direzione trasversale con l’antenna all’albero, con la possibilità di navigare fino al 30% della prua al vento.

Nelle esibizioni non sono soli, ma in compagnia dei membri delle associazioni di Catarroja, El Palmar, Alfafar e Sollana, tutte località bagnate dall’Albufera, il lago che dà il nome al Parco Naturale situato a otto chilometri dal centro della città di Valencia, all’interno dei confini municipali. Si tratta di un ecosistema di grande valore, imperdibile per qualsiasi turista, composto dal lago (attualmente di acqua dolce), dalle risaie che lo circondano, dal bosco della Devesa, dalle spiagge e dalle dune.

Contemplare da vicino queste barche che, durante secoli, sono state usate per il trasporto delle persone e delle merci, per la pesca e per la pulizia dell’Albufera, rappresenta già un grande piacere. Veder volare sulle acque una trentina di queste barche... pura serenità!

Luogo: Porto di Silla
Facebook: @VelaSilla[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_gallery images="1162,1161,1160,1159"][/vc_column][/vc_row][:]

lunes, 1 de mayo de 2017

El imborrable homenaje de los valencianos

[:es][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_column_text]Fiesta de la Virgen de los Desamparados

Cada segundo domingo de mayo millares de fieles se congregan en la plaza de la Virgen y alrededores para rendir homenaje a la Virgen de los Desamparados, patrona de la Comunidad Valenciana y de la ciudad de Valencia.

La historia nos remite a 1409, cuando Fray Gilaberto Jofré, tras defender a un enfermo mental que estaba siendo maltratado, alentó la fundación del que sería el primer hospital psiquiátrico de Europa, bajo la advocación de la Virgen de los Santos Inocentes, nombre con el que se designaba a estas personas.

En 1416 se realizaría una imagen gótica, de cartón piedra para que no pesara, con el fin de ser colocada encima del féretro de quienes morían en el hospital y de otros desamparados. Por ello, con el tiempo, en 1493, el rey Fernando “El Católico” concedería intitularla Virgen de los Santos Inocentes Mártires y de los Desamparados.

Esa imagen fue creciendo en devoción hacia ella y pasó a ser situada en un altar. Y, pese al paso de los siglos, esa misma imagen es la que todavía preside hoy la Basílica de los Desamparados de Valencia. Su inclinación se debe a sus orígenes, al haber sido creada para llevarla recostada sobre un almohadón. De ahí, el nombre que recibe con todo el cariño por parte de los valencianos: “La Geperudeta” (“La Chepadita”, en castellano). Si, en cualquier altura del año, la basílica que la guarda merece una visita por su interés artístico y religioso, en este día tan especial, el traslado de la Virgen, mientras es aclamada por la población, les dejará una estampa que permanecerá siempre en su memoria.

Actos destacados de esta fiesta:

El viernes 12 de mayo (a partir de las 23:00 horas) y el sábado 13 de mayo (desde las 12:00) se celebra la tradicional “Dansà”, baile típico valenciano.

El domingo 14 de mayo, a las 10:30 horas: Traslado de la Virgen desde la Basílica de los Desamparados hasta la Catedral de Valencia.
A las 18:30 horas: Procesión general por el barrio del Carmen hasta el altar mayor de la basílica.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][:en][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_column_text]Virgen de los Desamparados Festival

Every second Sunday in May thousands of faithful congregate in the Virgen plaza (Virgin square) and surrounding areas to pay homage to the “Virgen de los Desamparados” (Virgin of the Forsaken), the Valencian Community and Valencia city’s patron saint.

The history refers us to 1409, when Fray Gilaberto Jofré, after defending a mentally ill person who was being mistreated, he encouraged the foundation of what would be Europe’s first psychiatric hospital, under the advocacy of the “Virgen de los Santos Inocentes” (Virgin of the Holy Innocents), name with which these ill people were designated.

In 1416, a gothic image would be made of “papier-mâché” so as not to be heavy, in order it couldbe placed on the coffin of those who died in the hospital and others who were defenseless. For this reason, over time, in 1493, King Ferdinand “The Catholic” would grant the title “Virgen de los Santos Inocentes Mártires y de los Desamparados” (Virgin of the Holy Innocent Martyrs and the Forsaken).

That image was growing in devotion towards her and proceeded to be placed on an altar. And despite the passage of the centuries, that same image is the one that still presently presides in the “Basílica de los Desamparados” of Valencia. Its inclination is due to its origins having been created to be carried lying on a cushion. Hence, the name “La Geperudeta” (“The Chepadita”, in Castilian) that is received on the part of the Valencians with all their affection.

Whether, at any time of the year, the basilica that guards her all year round deserves a visit for its artistic and religious interest, but primarily on this very special day when the Virgin is moved while the population acclaim her. This image will always remain in your memory.

Prominent events of this festivity:

On Friday 12th May (from 23:00 hrs.) and on Saturday 13th May (from 12:00 hrs.) the traditional ‘Dansà’, a typical Valencian dance, is celebrated.

On Sunday 14th May, at 10:30 hrs.: Transfer of the Virgin from the “Basílica de los Desamparados” to Valencia Cathedral.
At 18.30 hrs.: General procession through the Carmen neighborhood to the basilica’s main altar.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][:it][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_column_text]Festa della Virgen de los Desamparados

La seconda domenica di maggio, migliaia di fedeli si riuniscono nella piazza della Virgen e nelle vie circostanti per rendere omaggio alla Virgen de los Desamparados (Madonna degli Abbandonati), patrona della Comunità Valenciana e della città di Valencia.

La sua storia risale al 1409, anno in cui fra Gilaberto Jofré, dopo aver difeso un malato mentale maltrattato da alcune persone, stimolò la fondazione di quello che sarebbe diventato il primo ospedale psichiatrico d’Europa, dedicato alla Madonna dei Santi Innocenti, nome con cui si faceva riferimento ai malati mentali.

Nel 1416 venne realizzata un’immagine gotica leggera in cartapesta, da collocare sul féretro delle persone che sarebbero morte nell’ospedale e di altri individui abbandonati. Per tale motivo, con il passare del tempo, nel 1493 Fernando “Il Cattolico” le concesse il nome di “Virgen de los Santos Inocentes Mártires y de los Desamparados” (Madonna dei Santi Innocenti Martiri e degli Abbandonati).

L’immagine diventò sempre più oggetto di devozione e fu situata su un altare. Resistendo al passare dei secoli, questa stessa immagine presiede tuttora la Basílica de los Desamparados di Valencia. L’inclinazione è dovuta alle sue origini, in quanto venne creata per essere accompagnata in posizione sdraiata su un cuscino. Per tale motivo, i valenciani la chiamano con affetto “la Geperudeta” (“la Gobba” in italiano).

Se la basilica merita una visita in qualsiasi momento dell’anno per il suo interesse artistico e religioso, in un giorno così speciale come quello del trasferimento della Madonna acclamata dalla gente, ti lascerà sicuramente un ricordo indelebile.

Atti di rilievo della festa:

Venerdì 12 maggio (dalle 23) e sabato 13 maggio (dalle 12) si celebra la tradizionale “Dansà”, una danza tipica valenciana.

Domenica 14 maggio alle 10:30: Trasferimento della Madonna dalla Basílica de los Desamparados alla Cattedrale di Valencia.
Alle 18:30: Processione generale nel quartiere del Carmen fino all’altare maggiore della basilica.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][:]

lunes, 3 de abril de 2017

La Semana Santa Marinera de Valencia

[:es][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_column_text]Fiesta de Interés Turístico Nacional
La Semana Santa Marinera es una tradición religiosa que se celebra, desde hace al menos tres siglos, en el Marítimo.

La Semana Santa Marinera de Valencia es una tradición en la que se conmemora la pasión, muerte y resurrección de Jesús. Sus orígenes podrían remontarse al siglo XV, pero el primer documento que deja constancia de esta festividad data de 1735.
Los marineros comenzaron a celebrar este ritual con la esperanza de que Jesús y la Virgen les libraran de los peligros de la mar. Desde 1925, la Semana Santa se ha consolidado como la gran celebración del Marítimo, el distrito de la ciudad bañado por el Mediterráneo. El elevado número de vecinos que participa en este culto mantiene una tradición religiosa que, pese a los pocos marineros que quedan en Valencia, conserva el espíritu de sus precursores.

La Semana Santa Marinera de Valencia

Esta primavera, cerca de 4.500 personas se congregan en 30 hermandades, cofradías y corporaciones, en las que se dan cita familias enteras, tras heredar la tradición de padres a hijos.
Mayores, jóvenes y pequeños recorren los históricos barrios del Grao, Cañamelar y Cabañal de Valencia durante una Semana Santa con unas singularidades que la vuelven única en España. No sólo por ser la única oficialmente apellidada como Marinera, sino por otras características que llenan de color las calles, sin restar solemnidad a sus ceremonias.

Actos recomendados

Sin desmerecer la importancia de todos los actos que se suceden, destacamos:

  • Viernes de Dolor, 7 de abril: Tras la eucaristía de las 19:30h (parroquia Ntra. Sra. de los Ángeles), procesión del Dolor.

  • Domingo de Ramos, 9 de abril:
    - Bendición y procesiones de Palmas y Ramos, desde las cinco parroquias: Ntra. Sra. del Rosario y Jesús Obrero – San Mauro (10h); Cristo Redentor – San Rafael Arcángel (10:30h); Ntra. Sra. de los Ángeles y Santa María del Mar (11h).
    - 18:30h: Traslado colectivo de imágenes desde la parroquia de Ntra. Sra. de los Ángeles hasta las casas particulares de los cofrades, que las guardan durante la Semana Santa.

  • Miércoles Santo, 12 de abril: Tras la eucaristía de las 19:30h (Ntra. Sra. del Rosario), procesión con el paso de La Verónica, del famoso escultor valenciano Mariano Benlliure.

  • Jueves Santo, 13 de abril: 20h: Acto de la Profecía (Santa María del Mar) y Visita a los Santos Monumentos. Se acude a las casas particulares a ver las imágenes.

  • Viernes Santo, 14 de abril:
    - Vía Crucis, desde las cinco parroquias. A partir de las 9:30h.
    - 18:30h: Procesión General del Santo Entierro. Acto cumbre.

  • Sábado Santo, 15 de abril: A las 00:00h del domingo, las cinco parroquias celebran la Gloria de Resurrección.

  • Domingo de Pascua, 16 de abril: 13:00h: Desfile de resurrección.

Cómo llegar:
Metro: Parada Marítim-Serrería. Líneas: 5 y 7.
Tranvía: 4, 6 y 8. (Líneas no operativas durante los Actos Colectivos.)
Líneas de autobuses: 1, 2, 3, 4, 19, 30, 31, 32, 41, 81, 95, 99, N1, N8 y N9.


Artículos relacionados:

Semana Santa Marinera: El custodio de las imagenes
Semana Santa Marinera: Personajes bíblicos[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_gallery images="1085,1083" pfgrid="grid2"][/vc_column][/vc_row][:en][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_column_text]Fiesta of National Tourist Interest
The Seafaring Holy Week is a religious tradition that has been celebrated for at least three centuries in the Marítimo.

The Valencian Seafaring Holy Week is a tradition that commemorates the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. Its origins could very well go back to the XV century, but the first document that records this celebration dates from 1735.

The sailors began to celebrate this ritual in the hope that Jesus and the Virgin would rescue them from the perils of the sea. Since 1925, the Holy Week has been consolidated as the great Marítimo celebration, the district of the city bathed by the Mediterranean. The high number of neighbours participating in this cult maintains a religious tradition that, despite few sailors remaining in Valencia, retains the spirit of its precursors.

The Valencian Seafaring Holy Week

This spring, about 4,500 people congregate in 30 brotherhoods, guilds and corporations, where whole families meet, after passing the tradition on from parents to children. Adults, youngsters and children, traverse through the historic neighborhoods of Grao, Cañamelar and Cabañal de Valencia during a Holy Week with some peculiarities that make it unique in Spain. Not only for being the only officially named Marinera (Seafaring), but for other characteristics that fill the streets with colour, without diminishing the solemnity of their ceremonies.

Recommended ceremonies

Without undervaluing the importance of all the ceremonies that take place, we highlight:

  • Friday of Sorrows (Viernes de Dolores), 7th April: After the Eucharist at 19:30 hrs (Ntra. Sra. De los Angeles parish), procession of Sorrows.

  • Palm Sunday, 9th April:
    - Blessing and processions of palms and bouquets, from the five parishes: Ntra. Sra. Del Rosario and Jesús Obrero
    - San Mauro (10:00 hrs); Cristo Redentor - San Rafael Arcángel (10:30 hrs); Ntra. Sra. de los Ángeles and Santa Maria del Mar (11:00 hrs).
    - 18:30 hrs: Collective transfer of images from the parish of Our Lady of the Angels to the private houses of the brothers, who keep them during Holy Week.

  • Holy Wednesday, 12th April: After the Eucharist at 19:30 hrs, a procession with el paso de La Verónica (ceremonial passage of Saint Veronica), by the famous Valencian sculptor Mariano Benlliure.

  • Holy Thursday, 13th April: 20:00 hrs: Act of Prophecy (Santa Maria del Mar) and Visit to the Holy Monuments. People go to private houses to see the images.

  • Good Friday, 14 th April
    - Via Crucis, from the five parishes. From 9:30 p.m.
    - 18:30 pm: General Procession of the Holy Burial. Summit act.

  • Holy Saturday, 15 th April: At 00:00 hrs on Sunday, the five parishes celebrate the Resurrection Glory.

  • Easter Sunday, 16 th April: 13:00hrs: Parade of Resurrection.

How to get there:
Metro: Marítim-Serrería station. Lines: 5 and 7.
Tram: 4, 6 and 8.
Bus routes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 19, 30, 31, 32, 41, 81, 95, 99, N1, N8 and N9.

Related Posts:

Valencian Seafaring Holy Week: The custodians of the images
Valencian Seafaring Holy Week: Biblical Characters[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_gallery images="1085,1083" pfgrid="grid2"][/vc_column][/vc_row][:it][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_column_text]Festa di Interesse Turistico Nazionale
Settimana Santa Marinara è una tradizione religiosa che si celebra nel distretto Marítimo di Valencia da almeno tre secoli.

La Settimana Santa Marinara di Valencia è una tradizione durante la quale si rievocano la passione, la morte e la resurrezione di Gesù. Le sue origini potrebbero risalire al XV secolo, anche se il primo documento che attesta questa celebrazione è del 1735.

I marinai iniziarono a celebrare questo rituale con la speranza che Gesù e la Madonna li proteggessero dai pericoli del mare. Dal 1925, la Settimana Santa Marinara si è affermata come la celebrazione più importante del Marítimo, il distretto della città bagnato dalle acque del Mediterraneo. I numerosi vicini che partecipano a questo culto conservano una tradizione religiosa che, nonostante i pochi marinai restanti in città, mantiene intatto lo spirito dei suoi precursori.

La Settimana Santa Marinara di Valencia

In primavera, circa 4.500 persone si riuniscono fra 30 fratellanze, confraternite e corporazioni, con la partecipazione di intere famiglie, custodi della tradizione tramandata da una generazione all’altra.
Persone di tutte le età percorrono i quartieri storici del Grao, del Cañamelar e del Cabañal di Valencia, durante una Settimana santa con peculiarità che la rendono unica in tutta la Spagna, non solo per il nome ufficiale di “Marinera”, ma per altre caratteristiche che riempiono le strade di colori, senza nulla togliere alle solennità delle cerimonie.

Eventi consigliati

Senza nulla togliere all'importanza di tutti gli atti in programma, consigliamo i seguenti eventi:

  • Venerdì dei Dolori, 7 aprile: Dopo l'eucaristia delle 19:30 (parrocchia Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles), processione dei Dolori.

  • Domenica delle Palme, 9 aprile:
    - Benedizione e processione delle Palme, dalle cinque parrocchie: Nuestra Señora del Rosario e Jesús Obrero
    - San Mauro (10:00); Cristo Redentor - San Rafael Arcángel (10:30); Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles e Santa María del Mar (11:00).
    -18:30: Trasferimento collettivo delle immagini dalla parrocchia Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles alle case dei confratelli che le custodiscono durante la Settimana santa.

  • Mercoledì santo, 12 aprile: Dopo l'eucaristia delle 19:30 (Nuestra Señora del Rosario), processione con il passaggio della Verónica, opera del famoso scultore valenciano Mariano Benlliure.

  • Giovedì santo, 13 aprile: 20:00: Atto della Profezia (Santa María del Mar) e Visita ai Santi Monumenti. Si visitano le case dei confratelli per ammirare le immagini.

  • Venerdì santo, 14 aprile:
    - Via Crucis dalle cinque parrocchie. A partire dalle 09:30.
    - 18:30: Processione Generale della Santa Sepoltura. Evento culmine.

  • Sabato santo, 15 aprile: Alle 00:00 di domenica, le cinque parrocchie celebrano la Gloria della Resurrezione.

  • Domenica di Pasqua, 16 aprile: 13:00: Processione della Resurrezione.

Come arrivare:
Metro: Fermata Marítim-Serrería. Linee: 5 e 7.
Tram: 4, 6 e 8.
Bus routes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 19, 30, 31, 32, 41, 81, 95, 99, N1, N8 e N9.

Related Posts:

Settimana Santa Marinara: Personaggi biblici
Settimana Santa Marinara: I custodi delle immagini[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_gallery images="1083,1085" pfgrid="grid2"][/vc_column][/vc_row][:]

domingo, 2 de abril de 2017

El Mercado Colón

[:es][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_column_text]
El Mercado Colón, admirado por su arquitectura desde 1916, encierra un mercado gastronómico para deleite de valencianos y visitantes.

El Mercado Colón es una joya arquitectónica que despierta el asombro de quien la descubre por primera vez, mientras alimenta el orgullo los valencianos.

Diseñado por Francisco Mora Berenguer y construido hace un siglo en el primer ensanche de la ciudad de Valencia, área residencial de la burguesía de la época, el Mercado Colón se considera uno de los principales símbolos de la arquitectura modernista valenciana.

El edificio destaca por la combinación de una imponente estructura metálica sustentada por pilares de fundición, la inexistencia de muros laterales y sus dos monumentales fachadas de piedra engastada en ladrillo.

El contraste entre lo funcional y su rica ornamentación es uno de sus mayores atractivos.

La planta de este mercado es rectangular, de tres naves: una central que alcanza los 18,60 metros de altura y dos laterales, con voladizos a cada lado.

De las fachadas cabe resaltar la magnitud de sus entradas en forma de arco, así como la parte acristalada del acceso orientado al Norte, que acaba en una original marquesina.

El cromatismo y la belleza de los mosaicos de cerámica se deben a su artífice, Ricardo Tárrega, y se pueden apreciar tanto en el interior como en el exterior del edificio.

Fíjense, por ejemplo, en la representación de las naranjas y los racimos de uvas, dos de los frutos típicos de la región.

¡Una auténtica maravilla![/vc_column_text][vc_gallery images="978,979,980,981"][vc_column_text]

Reconvertido en un mercado gastronómico

El Mercado Colón, tal y como lo conocemos en la actualidad, no se entiende sin la rehabilitación de este edificio entre 1997 y 2003.

A finales del siglo pasado, la evolución de la sociedad, la aparición de nuevos modelos de distribución y la falta de mantenimiento resultaron en que el Mercado Colón fuese cayendo en el abandono.

El proyecto de rehabilitación, encargado al arquitecto Luis López Silgo, posibilitó su recuperación y la conversión del antiguo mercado en un mercado gastronómico, en el que desayunar, comer, cenar o descansar a tomarse una cerveza, un café e incluso una riquísima horchata, la bebida valenciana por excelencia.

Las huellas del pasado, no obstante, permanecen en negocios relacionados con la compra-venta de mercaderías como la floristería, carnicería, charcutería, pescadería y, más concretamente, la frutería, cuyos propietarios son miembros de una familia que suma cuatro generaciones en el edificio.

En conjunto, el Mercado Colón es un concurrido espacio dedicado al ocio, donde valencianos y viajeros se mezclan en acristalados locales y terrazas regadas por la luz natural. Un lugar ideal donde los paladares gourmet también pueden disfrutar de una atmósfera relajada, moderna y modernista.

Localización: C/ Jorge Juan, 19. 46004 Valencia.
Horarios: de lunes a jueves de 7:30am a 2:00am y viernes y sábados de 7:30am a 3:00am.
Metro: Parada de Colón. Líneas: 3 y 5.
Líneas de autobuses: 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, 18, 22, 30, 32, 40, 79 y N1.
Parking: Abierto 24 horas.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][:en][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_column_text]
The Colón Market, admired for its architecture since 1916, encloses a gastronomic market for the delight of Valencians and visitors.

The Colón Market is an architectural gem that arouses the amazement of whoever discovers it for the first time, while feeding Valencian pride.

Designed by Francisco Mora Berenguer and built a century ago during the first extension of the city of Valencia, it was the residential area of the bourgeoisie of the epoch, the Colón Market is considered one of the main symbols of Valencian modernist architecture.

The building stands out for the combination of an imposing metallic structure supported by foundry pillars, the absence of side walls and its two monumental facades of stone set in brick.

The contrast between the functional and its rich ornamentation is one of its greatest attractions.

The floor of this market is rectangular, with three naves: a central one that reaches 18.60 meters in height and the two laterals, with cantilevers to each side.

With regard to the facades, it is necessary to emphasize the magnitude of its entrances in arc form, as in the glazed part of the access oriented to the North, that terminates in an original marquee.

The chromaticism and the beauty of the ceramic mosaics are due to its architect, Ricardo Tárrega, and can be appreciated both inside and outside the building. Focussing, for example, on the representation of oranges and clusters of grapes, two of the typical fruits of the region.

An authentic wonder![/vc_column_text][vc_gallery images="981,980,979,978"][vc_column_text]

Restructured into a gastronomic market

The Colón Market, as we know it today, cannot be understood without the rehabilitation of this building between 1997 and 2003.

At the close of the last century, the evolution of society, the appearance of new distribution models and the lack of maintenance resulted in the Colón Market falling into abandonment.

The rehabilitation project, commissioned by the architect Luis López Silgo, made it possible to recover and convert the old market into a gastronomic market, where breakfast, lunch, dinner or rest and have a beer, a coffee and even a delicious horchata, the Valencian drink par excellence.

The traces of the past, however, remain in trade related to the purchase and sale of goods such as florists, butchers, delicatessens, fishmongers and more specifically, the greengrocers whose owners are members of a family that amounts to four generations in the building.

Together, the Colón Market is a busy space dedicated to leisure, where Valencians and travelers intermingle in glazed shops and terraces watered by natural light. An ideal place where gourmet palates can also enjoy a relaxed, modern and modernist atmosphere.

Location: C / Jorge Juan, 19. 46004 Valencia.
Hours: Monday to Thursday from 7:30 am to 2:00 am; and Friday and Saturday from 7:30 am to 3:00 am.
Metro: Colón station. Lines: 3 and 5.
Bus lines: 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, 18, 22, 30, 32, 40, 79 and N1.
Parking: Open 24 hours.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][:it][vc_row widthopt="" fixedbg="" footerrow=""][vc_column][vc_column_text]
Il Mercato Colón, ammirato per la sua architettura dal 1916, ospita un mercato gastronomico per la delizia dei valenciani e dei visitatori.

Il Mercato Colón è un gioiello architettonico che suscita l’ammirazione dei turisti che
lo scoprono per la prima volta, oltre ad alimentare l’orgoglio dei valenciani.

Progettato da Francisco Mora Berenguer e construito un secolo fa nella prima estensione della città di Valencia, zona residenziale della borghesia dell’epoca, il Mercato Colón è considerato uno dei principali simboli dell’architettura modernista valenciana.

L’edificio si distingue per la combinazione tra un’imponente struttura metallica sostenuta da pilastri di ghisa, l’assenza di muri laterali e due immense facciate in pietra ricoperte di mattoni.

Il contrasto tra l’aspetto funzionale e la ricca ornamentazione rappresenta una delle sue principali attrattive.

Il piano del mercato rettangolare è composto da tre navate: una centrale con un’altezza di 18,6 metri e due laterali, con sporgenze su ogni lato.

Le facciate si distinguono per l’ampiezza degli ingressi a forma di arco e per la superficie vetrata dell’ingresso orientato a nord, che termina in un’originale pensilina.

Il cromatismo e la bellezza dei mosaici di ceramica, realizzati da Ricardo Tárrega, si possono apprezzare sia all’interno che all’esterno dell’edificio. Soffermatevi ad esempio sulla rappresentazione delle arance e dei grappoli d’uva, due frutti tipici della regione.

Un’autentica meraviglia![/vc_column_text][vc_gallery images="981,980,979,978"][vc_column_text]

Riconvertito in mercato gastronomico

Il Mercato Colón come lo conosciamo attualmente è il frutto dei lavori di restauro a cui è stato sottoposto l’edificio tra il 1997 e il 2003.

Alla fine del secolo scorso, a causa dell’evoluzione della società, della comparsa di nuovi modelli di distribuzione e della scarsa manutenzione, il Mercado Colón stava cadendo nell’abbandono.

Grazie al progetto di restauro affidato all’architetto Luis López Silgo, è stato possibile recuperare e convertire l’antico mercato in un mercato gastronomico in cui fare colazione, pranzare, cenare o rilassarsi sorseggiando una birra, un caffè e, perché no, una deliziosa “horchata”, la bevanda valenciana per eccellenza.

Ciononostante, le tracce del passato sono ancora presenti negli esercizi associati alla compravendita delle merci come il fioraio, la macelleria, la salumeria, la pescheria e, in particolare, il negozio della frutta, gestito da una famiglia che lavora nell’edificio da ben quattro generazioni.

Nel complesso, il Mercato Colón è un luogo molto frequentato dai valenciani e dai viaggiatori che amano rilassarsi nei suoi locali vetrati e nei tavolini all’aperto illuminati dalla luce naturale. Il luogo ideale in cui i palati gourmet possono usufruire di un’atmosfera rilassata, moderna e modernista.

Indirizzo: C/ Jorge Juan, 19. 46004 Valencia.
Orari: dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 7:30 am alle 2:00 am e venerdì e sabato dalle 7:30 am alle 3:00 am.
Metro: Fermata Colón. Linee: 3 e 5.
Linee di autobus: 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, 18, 22, 30, 32, 40, 79 e N1.
Parcheggio: Aperto 24 ore su 24.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][:]